My fiance's pasalubong for me...
Posted by jillybins at 10:01 PM
Picking a gift for myself. Hehe
Here's a quick post before I start doing my project again... I'm feeling feverish. I just want to sleep the whole day. =(
I saw this necklace in Chuvaness' blog. I want one! Isn't it so lovely?
Now I'm thinking of returning the birthday gift I got for myself (which I am still yet to receive since I ordered it online) and get this one instead. I shouldn't get both. I shouldn't be spoiling myself or else we won't have enough money for our wedding. Hehe.
Anyway, I'll stop day dreaming now and get back to work. Please pray I get well soon. I don't want to be sick while my family's here. Thanks.
Posted by jillybins at 11:14 AM
Thank you...
I'm taking a quick break from doing my projects... It's tiring... =(
Anyway, I never got the chance to post this earlier but it's never too late. I went home to the Philippines (well, more than once this year. hehe) and visited Figaro Magsaysay. This was delivered to my table:
Posted by jillybins at 11:09 PM
Happy Thanksgiving!
There is really so much to be thankful for. Sometimes I just get too busy or too unsatisfied with a lot of things to realize that.
Posted by jillybins at 11:59 PM
I'm sad...
Posted by jillybins at 7:34 PM
I want this...
Message Last Sunday...
Last Sunday, after church, Gian and I were discussing Pastor Art's message and how it relates to us. He left us with a question: What is one thing in your life that God is telling you "Go for it!"?
Mine's life after graduation. I have to admit I'm kinda scared. I'm really looking forward to my OPT (Optional Practical Training) here. I don't want to go back home without any experience because I've never had any in retail yet (Well, except for my 2 internships this quarter and a few volunteer opportunities, but still, I think those aren't enough). But given the economic condition right now, it's getting even more scarier. My colleagues who are looking for jobs - since they're not International Students and can already work - are having a really hard time finding one. I would always tell Gian those stories. I guess he realized he's already like a broken vinyl because he encourages me over and over again that I'm gonna get a job after I graduate. He always says, "Iba naman situation nila sayo." I have to admit, after hearing the message last Sunday, I was really assured and encouraged. God brought me here with little, in fact almost no effort on my part. He'll surely finish whatever good work He has started in me.
Gian's, is his proposal. That was so clear to him, he said. Well, he actually had a different plan. I think he didn't really want to propose yet. He wanted to prepare further for the proposal and for our life together, of course. He even said, he wanted to give me a Tiffany engagement ring instead (Isn't he always spoiling me?). I was really touched hearing him say things like that because I realized how much he always wants to give me the best... And I mean, always. But this I also have to say, I'll never take anything in exchange for God's perfect time. I knew, when He said to him, "Gian, go for it!", Gian gave me the best by responding to that voice. Isn't it just so wonderful?
Love you fiance.. :)
Posted by jillybins at 12:45 PM
We went to Napa Twice last Summer...
Posted by jillybins at 11:05 AM
Guess where we went last Saturday?
Posted by jillybins at 11:38 PM
To Return or Not?!
What I Wore to Interviews...
In the Philippines, I remember, we had a subject in DLSU wherein we were taught how to dress up for an interview. To me, it was so uncomfortable and not weather-friendly at all. Imagine, we were supposed to wear a long sleeve shirt (with collar, of course) plus, a jacket or blazer. No sleeveless. No plunging necklines needless to say (Well, at least this one is understandable). Closed shoes are required. Preferably skirt instead of pants but mind you, we're supposed to wear pantyhose too! Imagine commuting in that outfit. I really am so glad I didn't have to commute at that time.
In the US, I believe somehow we can do away without the pantyhose. Of course it's still recommended, but for my interviews for internship in particular, I did not wear one. But I really don't think it was a problem. But even then, if we choose to wear such, it would be a lot easier since it isn't humid here anyway. I didn't wear long sleeve shirt either and I wore my jacket only when I was feeling cold. I think that's more logical instead of trying to dress up without considering the weather. I mean, we have to be comfortable during the interview. Being there per se is stressful enough because you don't know how it would turn out... so I really don't see the logic behind making us wear uncomfortable clothes.
Posted by jillybins at 3:28 PM
Banana Republic,
Kenneth Cole,
We will save up for this:
Afternoon tea at...
This will be our "reward" for ourselves once we finish our Professional Designation Program in FIDM. Or, maybe we could go there after our volunteer event for FIDM's Open House Fashion Show in Nob Hill Masonic Auditorium. We'll see! =) It's your fault Marian! Hehe. Kidding! I'm excited!
*photos from Yelp
Posted by jillybins at 3:12 PM
My Non-paid Internships
I am really enjoying! It is tiring sometimes but very rewarding for some reason. =)
Posted by jillybins at 10:07 AM
The Pamamanhikan Dessert
Posted by jillybins at 6:57 PM
We went to...
Then we went to Gilroy and then Santana Row. No pics there though.
Posted by jillybins at 6:35 PM
Look! Here's what I saw in Two Seasons Boracay...
...a preggy (at least, I think so!) koi.
One of our kois at home died a few days before I left Pinas. It had a big booboo*. =( sad. Of course, I didn't take pics anymore. Kawawa e.
*booboo is wound according to my goddaughter, Chiara.
Posted by jillybins at 6:27 PM
Guess where we are?
If you've been here before, most probably, your guess won't be wrong.
Gian and I love the beach so much. I, for one, am such a water baby! I learned how to swim by accident. When we were still small, my cousins and I would go swimming; and I would pretend I am swimming free style while holding the railing since I don't know yet how to swim, or float even. My hand slipped and I was so surprised that I didn't sink. Probably because I didn't panic. Before I knew it, I was already swimming freestyle (Read: Not the freestyle freestyle. Freestyle as in walang style. hehe). Then we took formal swimming lessons. Gian, on the other hand, took swimming lessons in an olympic size pool. Hehe! He's also a certified diver. Naks! He has a very nice pic in his diver's ID. Haha! I wish I could scan it and post it here but I know he won't let me. Hehe.
I've never really imagined getting married in Boracay or in any beach. Partly because at that time, I thought it's more expensive, only to find out years later that destination weddings are less expensive than traditional ones. The guests get to share with the expenses though because they pay for their airfare and accomodation. Honestly, I've only imagined that my wedding will be a very intimate and simple one. I prefer intimate gatherings. Anyone close to me would agree with me on that. I guess God has a different plan, I must say a better one; or, should I say, the best one? Yeah... Paulie once said, "God has the best thing in mind when He thinks of you."
Rewind to: a few days before we left for the Philippines... Gian and I prayed for our trip. He prayed for the pamamanhikan, for the wedding preps, etc. I can remember, he prayed na hindi yung mga plans namin yung masunod, but God's plan for us... He prayed that God would go ahead of us and lead us.
For some, I must admit, very logical and practical reasons (for the guests' comfort, first and foremost), the Boracay wedding won't push through anymore. I have to be honest... we were really sad about it at first. But then we were reminded of our prayer. I'd like to think this is God's plan for us. My heart is once again expectant... joyful... excited.
Please continue praying for our wedding. It isn't really about us, but about the Author of our love story.
Posted by jillybins at 6:45 PM
Wine Tour in Napa
Ok, one more post before I sleep (Philippine time! I'm here in Pinas btw! Gg's pamamanhikan. He's back in the States na. I'll be here 'til next weekend).
Thanks to Pastor Art and Angela for inviting me and Gian to a wine tour in Napa. We went there last August 23rd. Had so much fun!
Posted by jillybins at 10:22 AM