
LTO Dinosaur...

Today, I renewed my driver's license and got my International Driver's Permit. Daddy went with me. We actually had to go to LTO Main because the Renewal Centers only process licenses which will expire in no more than 2 months. Mine's expiration date is on December.

Here's the proof that I went...

The guard at the main entrance of LTO Main stamped on our hands... a baby dinasaur!!! Well, I did ask why but I got no answer (which is ok because I really wasn't expecting one). He's probably too tired to explain.

Hmmm... The LTO stamp got lost maybe? Or maybe they just improvised because there's really none? My poor country... =( (Nevertheless, I'll still miss everything about home - even all the weird stuff and the hassles.)

After LTO, we went to AAP for my International Driver's Permit. Daddy and I can't stand the loooong wait anymore so we just decided to leave our driver there to claim my permit. We left the car with the driver and took the LRT. When we got there, he called up mommy and asked her to pick us up at the train station.

Thanks Daddy, for going through all the hassles with me... and for letting the guard stamp that weird dinasaur on you too. hehe! Most importantly, many thanks for supporting me in everything I do. Love you. - Your "Mitzie-ko"