...we went to V. Satui. It was part of Tootsie's birthday celebration.
3 Saturdays ago...
Posted by jillybins at 4:01 PM
Love is Waiting...
...by Brooke Fraser (excerpts)
...I'll give it time, give it space and be still for a spell
When it's time to walk that way we wanna walk it well
I'll be waiting for you baby
I'll be holding back the darkest night
Love is waiting til we're ready, til it's right
Love is waiting
It's my caution not the cold
There's no other hand that I would rather hold...
...and like I can't force the sun to rise or to hasten summer's start
Neither should I rush my way into your heart.
I was surprised, this is my 100th post.
Posted by jillybins at 12:23 AM
I miss the "T-Shirt Weather"...
...in fact, "Sando Weather" dapat. It's sooooo hot in Pinas.. and soooo humid! I had nose bleed on my first day there. From winter to super summer ba naman. Nevertheless, I had fun dressing up... and down. :)
Kaya lang, when you're lacking time, all that really matters is to be able to spend it with the ones you're surely gonna miss when you leave again... so I took pics and missed some... perhaps, missed a lot but that's ok.
Here are the ones I got to "document":
Re-worked Charm Necklace
I was jet-lagged and bored to death. I couldn't sleep even though it was already 2am! So, I decided to add my own antique pendants to the charm necklace that I bought. Originally, I have 4 pendants that I should add. However, the ring (that which is used to attach the pendant to the chain) of one of the pendants (my turquoise pendant which I like so much because it's my birthstone) broke while I was working with it. That said, I was only able to add 2. It wouldn't be balanced if I added 3. I will have to wait until I find a "new" old pendant (sounds odd. hehe) before I could add the other pendant, which happens to be an antique locket.
Anyway, here's how it now looks like. I really don't know if it's too busy-looking or what. Should I rework it back to its original design? I don't know yet. Still haven't decided.
Posted by jillybins at 2:31 PM
Happy Birthday Micah Dear!
It's already April 10 in the Philippines. I want to greet you na. :)
Happy Birthday my dear sister! I'm so sorry I can't celebrate it with you. I wish I was able to rebook my flight. But I'm here na e. Kainis ang PAL... :( Sad... but please don't let me spoil your day okay? Enjoy your birthday! I love you and I miss you sooo much. I'll see you again soon.
Ate Mitzie
Posted by jillybins at 1:39 PM
Charm Necklace

with swarovski crystal
green shell on gold plated sterling silver with natural pearls

Posted by jillybins at 1:24 PM
Loot from the Warehouse Sale
Tons of Jeans... (Note: I was just describing the picture. I didn't score tons of jeans. I wish i did though! hehe)
Note to self: I'm a 25. I should stay a 25...

Who else went shopping that day at the Warehouse Sale?
Posted by jillybins at 1:04 PM
Good Eats in Manila, Philippines...
...at least, during my brief stay there.

I missed something... but I will just post it some other time. Something to look forward to 'coz I enjoyed eating that too. :)
Posted by jillybins at 10:53 AM