Tons of Jeans... (Note: I was just describing the picture. I didn't score tons of jeans. I wish i did though! hehe)
Note to self: I'm a 25. I should stay a 25...

Anyway, this is in Hilton Hotel in San Francisco. Scored a pair of Diesel... and a Rock and Republic which we all have - Ate Mel, Toots and I.

I used my Rock and Republic on my way to Pinas. Then, I used my fave Diesel (which I also got on sale) on my way back to SFO. I should say, Diesel is still more comfy. No more buying Rock and Republic. I'm hoping I could get an Evisu. Not now though.. too many expenses already. I don't buy premium jeans on regular price. I wait for the sale season. Nonetheless, no more shopping muna.
Who else went shopping that day at the Warehouse Sale?
Who else went shopping that day at the Warehouse Sale?